Dash Cams

Capture Every Moment with Professional Dash Cam Installation

At Eastside Car Audio by Garage Tapaz, we understand the importance of safety and the need to protect yourself and your vehicle on the road. That's why we offer professional dash cam installation services to provide you with peace of mind and a reliable record of your journeys.

Reliable Documentation

Our dash cams are equipped with high-resolution cameras that capture clear and detailed footage of your driving experiences. Whether it's capturing scenic routes, documenting accidents, or providing evidence in case of disputes, our dash cams ensure that you have a reliable record of every moment on the road.

Expert Installation

Proper installation is key to maximizing the effectiveness of your dash cam. Our skilled technicians have the expertise to install the dash cam securely and inconspicuously, ensuring optimal positioning for maximum visibility without obstructing your view. We take pride in our attention to detail, making sure that the wiring is neatly concealed and that the dash cam integrates seamlessly with your vehicle's interior.

Enhanced Safety

A dash cam acts as an additional set of eyes on the road, providing you with an extra layer of safety. It can help prevent accidents by encouraging responsible driving behavior and serving as a deterrent against reckless driving or fraudulent claims. In the event of an accident, the recorded footage can serve as crucial evidence for insurance claims or legal proceedings.

User-Friendly Features

Our dash cams are equipped with user-friendly features such as loop recording, motion detection, and parking mode. Loop recording ensures that the camera continuously records, overwriting older footage to optimize storage space. Motion detection activates the camera when it detects movement in front of the vehicle, capturing any incidents even when you're away. Parking mode provides 24/7 surveillance, recording any incidents or vandalism while your vehicle is parked.

Easy Access to Footage

With our dash cams, accessing and managing your recorded footage is effortless. Many models offer Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to conveniently view, download, and share videos directly from your smartphone or tablet. Some dash cams also have built-in GPS capabilities to record your location and speed, providing comprehensive documentation of your journeys.


At Eastside Car Audio by Garage Tapaz, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and exceeding customer expectations. Our dash cam installation services combine reliable products, professional installation techniques, and a dedication to customer satisfaction. Upgrade your vehicle's safety and documentation capabilities today. Contact us now to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward capturing every moment on the road.